Last month I wrote to the Chief Executive of the Canal & River Trust following up on the concerns of several of my constituents, regarding the CRT’s proposal to raise boat licence fees above inflation for the next 5 years and the introduction of a surcharge for those boaters without a permanent mooring.
Naturally, I understand the need for the CRT to maintain revenue streams – but the consecutive above inflation fee rises and the discriminatory surcharge, disproportionately impact the boating community and most especially the itinerant boat dwellers.
This section of the community argues that permanent moorings, even if they wanted them, are scarce across the canal network, with long waiting lists and costs skyrocketing.
Certainly, I agree it feels perverse that the lowest income bracket is being targeted with this surcharge and I suggested it might be more sensible if 1% was imposed across all boat licences which would generate similar income as the proposed 25 % surcharge on itinerant boat dwellers?
Attached is a copy of the letter I received back. I will continue to discuss the situation with my constituents.